microculturas / serbia
on Kalenic market (Belgrade) and Green market (Leskovac)

We spent 2 weeks fermenting different stuff on Kalenic market in Belgrade and on Green market in Leskovac, in south Serbia. In both places we rented a stall and invited people to join us in preparing recepies we learned on the spot or we had brought with us. We were making, Kimchis souer and sweet, souer cabbage, different kinds of Turshis, Idlis and dossas, filled peppers, labne, etc. People were invited to exchange the pots we made for a recipe, some ingredients, a song or whatever they could think of. Also we made videos putting in ryme and singing everything we were doing. At the end we made a degustation and projection of our films togater with the film "Kalenic, last days of city market", by Ivan Vukovic, Milan Miletic and Nikola Majdak at Kalenic Market.

micro saga I, II and III:

arround the stall, Paulina Jeziorek

the rise and fall of great labne


beans: Dossa and idlis


Kalenic last days, final presentation of Microcultures project on Kalnic market
Togather with presentation of the film Kalenic last days of city market, I. Vukovic, M.Miletic and N. Majdak

Aviv Kruglanski & Vahida Ramujkic & Moshe Robas

The MICROCULTURES project in Serbia belongs to the Crossroads East West intercultural dialogue programme, implemented as part of Engine Room Europe, a three-year project focusing on independent cultural workers and their field of activity. The project is carried out with the financial support of the EU Culture 2007-2013 programme and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. Also, The MICROCULTURES project is supported by the Open-Air Markets of the City of Belgrade and the town of Leskovac and Leskovac Resource Centre.



october 2011